Clear-cuts are known for scaring game out of the area of the clear-cut and the game just moves somewhere else. But, even though people say bad stuff about them, like, "it scares game away, they won't come back," and that sort of stuff. I don'e mean any disrespect, but whoever says that is
wrong. Yes, wrong. I hunt on on of my families property that has been 90% clear-cut, (with still a little woods left) , which I have talked about before and I have seen more deer than I think I ever have. I have also seen an increase in the rabbit population there too. Deer like the high weed cover because, well, it gives them enough cover so they can hide. If you can hunt a clear-cut, then do so. Now if that same place has been planted in pines, then eventually you can't hunt in that area until it is thinned.
Before that happens though, deer will be all over that clear-cut eating the weeds and grasses that come up. Trails will wind through the clear cut like crazy. Truly, a clear-cut is a great place to hunt.