Friday, October 18, 2013

Select A Bow

For those who want to get a bow, you must ask, "What type of bow do I want?"  You can boil it down into two main categories: traditional and modern bows.
  I would suggest that you look at if you want a modern compound or a traditional recurve bow, for example. Compounds give you let-off at full draw, while traditional bows do not.  Check out these two articles that I have written in the past to help you narrow down your choices:

  Another thing to consider is to see if you are right or left handed.  You need to find a bow to fit that need, obviously.  Some bows can be right or left handed, but not many.  Here is an interesting fact I found from "Archery Bows and Arrows Online," "However, reality is if you are right handed you will be holding your right handed bow with your left hand so be sure, if you are shopping on your own, to pick the one that you hold in the opposite hand of your dominant hand.1"  Great tip.
  An archery pro shop would really be of use in helping you find your draw length and weight.  They can measure how far you need to draw back the bow to get it to full draw, and how much weight you can pull back, because it won't work if you cannot.
  I have read that you can measure your arm length to figure out what draw length you need, but, as I said, archery pro shops really help.

Happy hunting!

Squirrel Tip

If you happen to be hunting squirrels, and it seems to be that nothing is moving, just wait.  Today, I went squirrel hunting and it looked like absolutely nothing was going on, with the occasional birds singing.  But when I got into the woods, they were much more alive than I thought!  Squirrels were moving like crazy.  I got, with an air rifle, about 5 shots at them, all in one small area.  I didn't hit them, probably because my rifle is not in prime condition, but I am sure I also had something to do with it.
Squirrels do move, even when you think not, so just keep your eyes and ears open.

Happy hunting!