Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Longbow vs. Recurve

I will be doing a bow tournament in my next couple articles to determine what is the ultimate bow (though all are good, don't take me wrong). I won't be judging anything to win just because I want it to, I will pick the winner the same way I would pick out what bow I want on a normal day (looking at pros and cons and things like that). Today, read Round 1 Longbow vs. Recurve!


Pros and cons:


  • It will forgive minor mistakes made by the person that is handling it.
  • Its quiet.
  • Lightweight.
  • Its length makes it harder to carry it around in brush.
  • Hard to pull back and harder to keep at anchor point because of there being no let-off like a compound bow.

Recurve Bow

  • It can store more energy in its limbs.
  • Its a little lighter than the longbow.
  • They are smaller than the longbow which makes them easier to carry places.
  • Hard to pull back and has no let-off.

Recurve Wins!

Both of these bows are traditional and original (in some ways).  Someday I even would like to shoot both of them.  Next time the more technical bows face off!  Don't miss Round 2 Compound vs. Crossbow!  Whichever bow wins Round 2 goes against  the Recuve Bow in Round 3!

1 comment:

  1. I personaly prefer recurve, probably because I shoot that. But I have shot both. Recurve and longbows are harder to pull back and hold at anchor than compounds, but I don't find any dificulty with it because I am used to the drawback weight. So I can hold it to anchor just as long as I can a compound. Given that thought I still prefer recurve wether it be for competition or hunting. And I also like the feel of a recurve more than a compound, because it makes me feel me "traditional", if thats the way to put it LOL!!:)
    Sorry for ranting but I could take aout archery all day!! :)
