Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hunting for Doves

Mourning Doves are one of the most popular game birds in the US.  Here are some tips on hunting them.  Whether you are hunting them over a plot or in the field, or selecting ammo, here are some tips.

  • If you have a cleared area (like an area that is clear cut) or any other field with brush, doves love those places.  You can usually find a lot of them in those places.
  • A sunflower or wheat plot is a great place to hunt for doves.  They like to peck at the ground where seeds are just lying on the ground plainly visible.
  • Hunting for doves requires only five things: a shotgun, brown or camo clothes (nothing fancy, unless you want to), some shotgun shells, a field, and some friends.
  • Look in areas that have just been cut for grain or hay.  All the loose seed that fell out of the harvester during the harvesting attracts a lot of doves
  • When you shoot, swing through the dove, shoot, then follow through by continuing to swing.
  • You can also set up decoys to aid you in your hunt.  This makes the doves above think that that area is safe because there is already a bunch of doves left (though check with your wildlife organization to see if this is legal).
  • Stick to 7 1/2 to 9 size shot.  This gives you a lot more chance of hitting a dove.  Remember, it doesn't take much to bring down a dove.

That's it for now!

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