Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Experience to Learn From

I just had an exiting experience that all of us can learn from.  I was bowhunting on Sept. 20, 2012, and I was in a large area that had been clear-cut.  All the weeds that had grown up since the clear-cutting made things a little difficult to see.  I had found a huge deer trail that was about 8-10 feet wide and totally clear of weeds.  I knew that there was a small trail that wound through the weeds which eventually intersected with the trail I was on only a short distance away.  As I walked along the big trail, hoping that deer would be on the "highway" I heard a rustling close to a big brush pile.  Thinking it was a rabbit, I kept on.  But the sound followed me.  I tried to see if it was a deer by making a grunt sound.  Then BOOM out of nowhere a huge doe goes leaping away.  It wasn't anymore than 15 to 20 feet away!  I had an arrow knocked but it didn't matter, I couldn't hit a running deer.  I had no idea that a 100 pound deer was there because I couldn't see through the weeds that separated us.  Here is the lesson:

Always be prepared.  Don't let your guard down.  The deer you desire may be 15 feet in front of you.

At least this experience of losing a deer will make the one you (if you've had the same thing happen to you) or I get taste success that much better.

Note: This lesson was made at the authors expense. 

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