So, I think you can see that they work. The next to bottom picture features a spike buck that my camera took a picture of. I actually got two pictures of him, but that one was the best of him. The bottom has two does standing behind a log close by the feeder. I'll keep all of you posted on my camera pictures if I get some exiting things. By the way, most of the pictures were taken on the night of Dec. 17-18, I got over 10 pictures in one night! And the bait site isn't that old! They do work when acorns and other food isn't well available.
A blog dedicated to learning about the outdoors of central North Carolina and everywhere.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Established Bait Piles Work
So, in the previous post, I showed you my first deer. Well, I just wanted to say that, established bait piles work. The place where I shot the doe was 50 yards from a bait pile. I saw four deer that morning, and four the previous evening. I'll even share some pictures of my bait site (haven't used it yet) that I put in less than a week ago:
So, I think you can see that they work. The next to bottom picture features a spike buck that my camera took a picture of. I actually got two pictures of him, but that one was the best of him. The bottom has two does standing behind a log close by the feeder. I'll keep all of you posted on my camera pictures if I get some exiting things. By the way, most of the pictures were taken on the night of Dec. 17-18, I got over 10 pictures in one night! And the bait site isn't that old! They do work when acorns and other food isn't well available.
So, I think you can see that they work. The next to bottom picture features a spike buck that my camera took a picture of. I actually got two pictures of him, but that one was the best of him. The bottom has two does standing behind a log close by the feeder. I'll keep all of you posted on my camera pictures if I get some exiting things. By the way, most of the pictures were taken on the night of Dec. 17-18, I got over 10 pictures in one night! And the bait site isn't that old! They do work when acorns and other food isn't well available.
Hunting quick tips,
Wildlife Management
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