Last week I was in the mountains with family and we wanted to throw in a line. A man pointed us to a road that runs parallel to the river. We went and fished, and caught nothing for a while. Then, I had almost given up, and BAM! A smallmouth hit my lure with a fierce blow. I fought him a little too quick, because he had a lot of fight in him. I was just about to grab him (he was around a foot long and weighed maybe 2lbs, at least 1 1/2lbs) for a picture and the jerked and flipped and snapped the line!!
Even so, I had fun. I'll try to get some pictures if I can, then I'll add it to this article. But here are a few things I have learned about river/creek fishing in general:
- Fish what the fish will bite. If they don't want surface lure, try a diver (where legal) or a spoon or worm. Jigs will also trigger a bite. If the river is shallow, get a diver that, of course, dives but floats. If it sinks, then it will drag along the bottom like a rock when you reel it in.
- Artifical bait is good for using a small bobber and a little line below it. Don't go any deeper than about 8 inches, but that will depend. A shallow creek will need less line below the bobber than one would in the Mississippi River.
- Bass strike hard and fast. They (at least smallmouths) also like to jump out of the water. Keep you line tight and try to tire the fish out a little by giving him a little line. But keep it tight.
- Trout seem to know if someone is fishing for them. You have to be somewhat stealthy and don't let them know you are there.
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