Saturday, December 17, 2011

Deer Prefer Acorns

Acorns.  Deer and squirrels and bears love them.  Where there is acorns you will find deer and squirrels.  If you were a deer and had to chose from going long distances to food plots out of cover and traveling far away from bedding areas or staying close to home having an all you can eat buffet of acorns in a secluded spot where you would be safe, which would you chose?  They are like a deer candy, a treat after eating a food plot meal.  Kind of like kids going to eat ice cream after eating a good lunch.

Deer usually go for the acorns that have the least amount of tannin in them, which makes the acorns bitter.  Going form the least amount of tannin (the most liked) to the most tannin (edible but not preferred) on the preferred acorns I have comprised this list of the top 4 preferred acorns.

1. White Oak Acorn  
This picture shows White Oak leaves with its acorns.  The White Oak acorns have the least amount of tannin in them out of all the other acorns.

2.Pin Oak Acorn
I couldn't find a picture of the Pin Oak showing its leaves and acorns like the picture above, but if you find this tree you will find its acorns.  This type of acorn has low to medium tannic level 

 3.Red Oak acorns
This acorn has medium tannin levels.

4.Black Oak Acorns
These acorns have medium to high tannin levels which makes them very

 Deer will eat all of these acorns, but see if you have one of the top two in your area!  If you don't, deer will eat the last two also.  Good hunting!

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