Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mini Survival Kits

Survival kits are very important.  But they don't have to be heavy and big and bulky.  You can make a survival kit and put it into an Altoids container or a Ziploc bag!  You can put these contents into them (maybe not all of them due to the size of the container):

Cotton balls (for fire starting)
A couple candles
15 pd test line (for fishing and you can use smaller, but no smaller than 8 lb test line)
A couple split-shot sinkers
A small pocket knife
Snare wire

You can add a couple more items if you wanted too, like a cigarette lighter for fire lighting and alcohol swabs for injury cleaning.  Always include a compass.  You also want your kit to be waterproof.  So if you make one out of an Altoids tin then you could cover it in a Ziploc bag, and the bag should keep it waterproof and you can use the bag for other things too.

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