To go cottontail (more known as rabbit) hunting a you really need is a field that rabbits would be in. But how do you find them and how do you hunt them?
How to find them
A good place to look is a place that provides cover for them close to where they get their food, such as clover, alfalfa, wheat, garden crops, grasses, and twigs and bark of small saplings. Some of their favorite places to hide are at blackberry patches and honeysuckle.
What to wear and how to hunt them
Now what do you wear when rabbit hunting? Its easy, a blaze orange hat, vest, something blaze orange so if there are other hunters with you because you are in thick brush and if your alone just wear some anyway because if a hunter happens to come by he'll see the blaze orange. Always wear blaze orange. Why? Your in thick weeds and grasses and you don't want to be mistaken for a rabbit in tall grass! Wear thick pants also because you will likely run into briar's.
How to hunt them. If you have beagles, then this article is over for you. If you don't keep reading. If your without beagles you can still hunt rabbits by walking them up. How you do it is you walk for 10-15 paces and stop for 30-45 seconds. Rabbits are nervous and will think they have been spotted and will make a run for it. If you have two or more hunters, walk 25-50 feet apart depending on how wide the field is. Do the same thing with walking them up, though you may want to do it staggered way. One hunter does his thing, stops. The next does his steps, stops, and so on. And when you find a rabbit snap shoot him. You might want to learn this shooting technique. Good hunting!
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