Tips and Tricks
Now that we have discussed on what techniques to use we will discuss about what tricks to use.
- If two hunters are squirrel hunting then you can use numbers to you advantage. A squirrel will most likely go to the opposite side of the tree a hunter is looking at. So getting another hunter to go around and bang on the tree with a stick will make the squirrel go to the other side of the tree, the hunter on the other side can then get a shot.
- If a squirrel goes into a tree wait a while because after a while with no noise (so you should be quiet) it will come out. Another way is to hit a stick against the tree and the squirrel will think you are chopping it down.
- Be patient and perservere. This hunting requires that. So don't go crazy if you miss one or lost track or sight of it. My grandpa used to use this technique when he was a boy when he went squirrel hunting. You go to an area that has squirrels and if they were all scared away into their nests then sit at the base of a tree and wait. Sometimes he even fell asleep waiting! But when he woke up... The squirrels were out and he could get a shot.
Just remember, wait, be patient. Squirrels, when they get a high enough population, they can be a trouble to farmers and their crops, so hunting them to keep the population down (but not to far) is not a bad idea at all.
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